10% off
Students & apprentices
Get 10% off* all items
Students and apprentices - don’t miss out: dress up casually and enjoy the best weather protection into the bargain - plus benefit from our 10% off*!
How it works:
In the online shop
Want to start shopping straight away? Simply register online with MyUniDays. Once your registration has been confirmed, you will be sent a 10% discount code* and can redeem it immediately.
Register now & saveIn-store
It doesn’t get any easier than this: pop by your local store, show your student card, and then get 10% off* your in-store purchase.
Go to participating storesCool looks and top functions

3-in-1 jackets
The layering system combines a thermal inner jacket with a water-repellent outer jacket – for perfect weather protection.

Whether you’re downtown or out and about in the countryside: you’ll be stylish and protected against unpredictable weather in these styles.

Shop outdoor styles for teenagers: casual styles and modern colours in sizes 128-176.
Find a participating store in your area
*Simply provide valid proof. excludes gift cards. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.